World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Seventeen

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92 Responses to World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Seventeen

  1. xty says:

    Yes, and those glasses of wine …

  2. Dude says:

    Def. of jake leg @ 2:33

  3. EO says:

    Investment summary for the past year. Stocks vs Gold. The chart tells all, except that stocks also pay dividends, which are not on this chart.

  4. xty says:

    Yup. Gold was at about 1360 when we started yacking here, and is now down another $100.. And it did it all without me watching!

    I went back to that third or so first post and for some reason I had posted this video, and have now gone back in time and replaced it with the trailer for Rocky Horror because they sure seem to have done a good job of keeping bits of that movie off youtube.

  5. xty says:

    and I meant to add, that I really like this song which I wanted to find the scene of [of which I wanted to find the scene? more :mrgreen: is probably not the right answer]

  6. xty says:

    I am having a couple of difficult days, just to excuse my not refreshing the ever scintillating WoD and SoD. Brain challenged by pain and pain management. And for some unknown reason it makes reading tricky and nauseating, which makes it all a bit like stepping into a rocky boat, even if I am not moving. I have certainly decided I would be a hazard on the road, which shortens my todo list considerably.

    So having checked the weather forecast and watched some terrible videos about restoring wicker, and a couple that actually contained a tiny bit of info, as in it is important to keep your wicker dry … but not too dry, of course. Just the right amount, which you have to guess at. So I am going to blast them with the hose in the driveway, and then let them dry in the sunlight. Then the agonizing problem of which way to go with the colour, but wicker can only be a few colours or it would somehow be super weird, and I am married to blue at the cottage where they are bound, so green is out. Blue is out. Brown is out. So white remains. But the green chair will not like it one bit.

  7. xty says:

    Okay, I think this is funny. So I say blue is too weird, and then I go and check on the Krylon website for colours and they have a projects section so I search for wicker, and this is what came up! It will not take only 3 hours!

  8. EO says:

    Miners are capitulating today, joining the metals underwater, vis-a-vis the 200 day avg. All remaining hardy souls aboard the SS Goldbug are advised to calmly proceed to the lifeboats. What? All that “prepping” didn’t include a lifeboat? Oh, I guess you are just screwed then.

  9. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    new hat contest…

    when will an ounce of silver be worth more than one share of BABA?

  10. EO says:

    BABA? I’ll bite…

  11. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    when i last checked the opening share price of BABA should be around $60. so you need to predict when the two prices cross. since there are only a few of us here, we can round up to the nearest year. i will take 2036AD if no one wants it.

  12. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    get a load of this EO.

    The Ups and Downs Of Gold Cycles

    Posted September 8th, 2014 at 1:29 PM (CST) by Jim Sinclair & filed under General Editorial.

    My Dear Extended Family,

    Cycles are best understood as probabilities for directional movement. Those gold cycles that turned down at $1900 have now turned up with the price of gold now plumbing previous lows which are by definition major support.

    The price objective once this experience is over is $2100, and is where it will trade in time.

    I can only imagine what a deluge of emails this will bring from the Gold Internet Trolls.

    Respectfully yours,

  13. Dryocopus pileatus says:

  14. Dryocopus pileatus says:

  15. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    you know it’s good. if you watch through the first minute, you will watch the whole thing. :mrgreen:

  16. xty says:

    Good Morning

    So Lee Majors is the only guy who can really utter this threat that a friend of ours came up with [or stole from a movie which is highly likely], “I’m going to rip off your arm and beat you with the wet end.”

    But gee wilikers, let me pick myself up from my tumble off the turnip truck, and speak to you anonymous folk out there:

    Dear Extended Family,

    I cannot believe that people believe anything anyone writes after this intro: Dear Extended Family. It is a f$#@%&g group email list and you asked to receive it nitwits! Or it is on a public website. I don’t know if I am angrier at the fraudster or the people still sucked into the fraud. He doesn’t know or like you! He isn’t some papa figure and he isn’t going to ever help you personally. Santa is a guy in a red suit who actually is more likely to bring you a present than Jim Sinclair.

    And then the content:

    Nothing proves the price will go higher than that it is at an unpredicted by me low.

    And then dehumanize your critics as a parting touch.

    It is so obvious it is bizarre to me except for the fact that people subscribe to religions with priests, etc., to whom they will plead a life of poverty while giving whatever little they accumulate over to the church, accepting that priests or clerics should have nice robes and beautiful surroundings while they shiver in the cold.

    Forgive the rant but it is so pathetic and sad that people willingly abandon control over their lives to shysters, rather than face the difficulty of making their own everyday decisions.

    And I have to take my mum to the dentist this morning and am not particularly looking forward to it. I think I need to look at it as a possible source of comic writing, not a trip that she will find arduous, and I am sure my attitude will be adjusted by then.

    But good morning nonetheless!

  17. xty says:

    I love everybody, especially you …

  18. Dude says:

    My Dear Lighthouse Family:

    Thinking of a response to L. L. and the opening lines from the intro to this show came to mind.

    Search proved unsatisfactory in that the real song is a dud. You have to listen to 1:44 to hear it and it just seems so disjointed. The song should start with and be built around that phrase and then have it repeated several times. So throw the rest away and just remember that part. Thus ends my first foray into music critique.

  19. Dude says:

    DP- Is never a choice? I may not win a hat but I will always be right.

  20. EO says:

    Oh, Alibaba! I get it. I was unaware of what the anticipated ticker might be. And the answer is never. Silver is the new copper. Zero regret over selling all mine. GSR of 80 will be seen, and end up being the middle of the new range. 1200 gold divided by 80 brings 15 dollars for the gray stuff.

    The old bet was Silver vs Facebook. It happened for a brief anomalous moment in time but is now gone never to be seen again.

    And on Sinclair, sheesh, he’s as nonsensical as ever. Even when I used to read his stuff, I still couldn’t understand him. “Those gold cycles that turned down at $1900 have now turned up with the price of gold now plumbing previous lows…” Say What? Especially since you never entertained the possibility of gold cycles turning down in the first place? Incredible douche. Something that is plumbing previous lows is by definition not turning up. Except in goldbug fantasyland. Faith-based investing, in extremis.

    Happy Tyr’s Day, everyone.

  21. xty says:

    When we learned our shipping rules about who has right of way, something we actually have done twice, the second time to get the most annoying piece of id yet invented, our “boating licence”, there was a list that ended with something along the lines of tonnage always wins, and don’t be “dead right”. I.e. don’t let an enormous ship hit you, just because you technically had the right of way.

    But “tonnage always wins” has it place next to “gravity always wins” in our family slogans. I think this applies to investing.

    As to Sinclair’s logic – I could never understand what he wrote, and that sentence is a doozie – he begins to remind me of Kurtz from Heart of Darkness.

  22. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    i missed winning that hat by one day. that is why i remember it. the cross was around 29.

    Dude – i guess you can pick a year long after we are all dead. either way, if you are right, you will never collect.

    Sinclair gets more of my anger than all the other shills. his “mother of all bottoms”, his “birthday” prediction, played a huge part in me losing my retirement. i doubled down just before the great silver bloodbath. i had debated for several weeks. i did eventually go against my better judgement. so thank you Santa for the awesomely bad advice. but glad to know that you are still filthy rich. and at least i never bought your hole in the ground, you know, the one with a liar standing over it.

    funny that i ranted a little at TD’s, and it was deleted. Dan for some reason lets Sinclair slide. i did use some language, but not even the big “F”.

    i sure do miss that 70’s TV. even at the time you knew that you were watching something remarkable cheap and hokey. Xty – i do believe that you watched the whole clip. (you wouldn’t just watch the end would you?) i will be out and about today and will be looking for a chance to use your quote, “I’m going to rip off your arm and beat you with the wet end.” maybe at the grocery store, or even Target.

  23. xty says:

    I watched the whole thing … the Six Million Dollar Man was on at just the right age for me, and I loved it. Starsky and Hutch. Magnum P.I. All of them. It Takes a Thief.

  24. xty says:

    I am pretty sure I have posted these before, but they are a real treat:

  25. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    this one is pretty funny too…

  26. EO says:

    Wish me luck. Heading to Chicago tomorrow to look at a used car. Win or lose, it’s only about a mile from my favorite Italian Beef place. I win either way.

  27. EO says:

    Assuming I buy it, The Missus and I will likely go down and pick it up on Friday, which means we’ll probably have to get Wiener Schnitzel at The Edelweiss on our way out of town. 😆 😆

  28. EO says:

    OK, it’s not exactly a junker. But it’s not new either. I already told you guys I think I’ve overpaid for every car I’ve ever bought, and this one is likely no exception. I have no poker face whatsoever. I research, and I dither, and I change my mind a hundred times, but when I finally decide…that’s it. It’s over. When I want it, I want it. Period. Money really isn’t the issue. I don’t dicker. It repulses me. I feel like I’m insulting someone to offer 500 bucks less. And I don’t like to insult people. Either I want it or I don’t.

    And I’ve got that Italian Beef in my back pocket, so it’s a no-lose situation anyway. 😎

  29. EO says:

    In other news, latest polls have the good guys up a few points on Scott Walker in Wisconsin. Let’s not let down our guard. Walker still has many millions of Koch money at his disposal, which will come down like an avalanche down the stretch. But so far, so good. Better than we ever thought, at this point in time. I sent some bucks off into the meat grinder a few days ago.

  30. EO says:

    As good a time as any…

  31. EO says:

    We gonna get that motherfucker… 😈

  32. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    you will be very close to this place as well. i highly recommend their original Italian sub. it definitely is worth your while to stop to pick up a couple to take home. i will stake my food reputation on this deli.

    from Frannie’s go south on River Road to Irving Park Rd, west to Scott Street, south to Addison, west to Al and Joe’s.,-87.86101,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x36ee17dc9a73e513

  33. EO says:

    Awesome. The Edelweiss is east on Irving Park, so I know the neighborhood, more or less.

    But, how much can a person eat? Or…How big is my cooler?

    Sadly, I’m sort of a meat-and-bread sort of guy. Throw a salad on top of it and I lose interest. But I see Al & Joe’s has a Meatball Sandwich, so I think that might work…

  34. EO says:

    Of course, my blood draw for my physical is Friday morning, so………. 😕

  35. xty says:

    eat cruciform vegetables by the pound!

    And Good Morning.

  36. xty says:

    What particular car are you going to pay too much for? This from a fellow non-haggler. In fact we sold our daughter’s ikea loft bed, well I did, by taking a picture of it together, and then I took it apart and it was in pieces on the porch and I taped a sign to one of our trees with the picture asking $50. And a woman phoned me from my lawn and I went down and she was kind of nervous and said she wanted to buy it but didn’t get paid until Monday. Which kind of floored me, frankly. So I worried about her and got her to take home one of the poles to make sure the bed would fit (she lives in a basement half of a house I think, with a young son, just down our street, and may or may not have a father for the kid). Anyhow she said it fit, and when she called on Monday having gotten paid I told her she only needed to give me $40, and she was meant to have negotiated with me. It totally made her day, and she gave me the $40 and I still felt like a thief. I didn’t need money for the bed, it is just one way to get rid of a quality item without people thinking it is trash. But you have to know when to low ball a person just a little bit. We also felt badly when we bought our daughter’s used car because the fellow didn’t come back with a higher price. But he didn’t get cut any slack, hubby claiming it was a good place to start learning some street smarts. And in that case he might have been right, as the guy had never driven the car over 50 kms an hour we are pretty sure after he came for the test drive with said hubby, who used to race motorcycles and enjoys putting a motor through its paces.

  37. EO says:

    I don’t want to jinx it. Maybe I’ll post a pic after I get back. And the truth is that the asking price appears to be under the blue book price, so maybe I’m not overpaying in a technical sense. But I’ll probably just pay it rather than haggle for a few hundred bucks. That’s how I roll.

  38. xty says:

    Understood. Your secret is safe. I was in a total panic after finding our crappy hippie van on Kijiji and was a very useless asset when it came to the actual negotiation as I was just beaming. We did overpay but I don’t think it was going to go to anyone who didn’t. It was a very emotional parting for the owner and she and I were too busy bonding to cope with the rest of it, but she was strangely firm despite or because of her emotion.

  39. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    Chapter 18: In which Val bakes an apple pie and serves it to a drunk and gluttonous Mr. Magnus Anderson.

  40. EO says:

    Oh, Boo Hoo, no car for me today. Got my Frannie’s Fix though.

    Sometimes everything is all about expectations. In this case I really thought this car was going to be spectacular, and then everything I looked at kept coming up short. I’ve looked other lesser vehicles, but liked them better, perhaps because I had set the bar lower.

    Car #1: A real rusty clunker, but I liked it and would have bought it, if it hadn’t been for some very bizarre wear patterns on the tires. A deal breaker.

    Car #2: Nicer, but still a little dog eared. Would have bought it, but it had a “smell”. Like in that Seinfeld episode. Deal breaker.

    Car #3: Higher priced, but potentially spectacular. Instead it was “meh”. And the whole situation there with the “dealer” was sketchy. Will keep looking.

  41. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    i’m practicing for all the holidays coming up. they are sour cream cut out cookies. if you do them right, it is like biting into firm cake. the frosting is cream cheese based. there are about 40 relatives of mine that just call these Grandma cookies.

    the big amoeba shaped cookie is just the one made out of the trimmings from cutting out the others. it’s not a goof up – in fact the junk cookie is almost always the best one. using red dye which came out pink was “eeny, meeny, miny, moe”. i did run out of the psychedelic micro dots too. all in all, some hideous looking cookies, but they turned out very well for texture and taste.

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