World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Twenty-Three

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106 Responses to World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Twenty-Three

  1. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    the transcripts of Russ Roberts can be read if you do not have the time or the inclination to listen to them. i prefer to read them myself – it goes much quicker.

    i’m off to throw away a bunch of votes now. 🙁

  2. xty says:

    Not quite thrown away – voter turnout is very important. And just to be romantic about it, many people never get to throw away their vote peacefully.

  3. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    i think i’ll still cry over the spilt milk…

    and some molasses cookies. 😆

  4. xty says:

    Cookies go well with whine.

  5. Pete Maravich says:

  6. EO says:

    It’s over in Wisconsin. Off we go to third world country status. This once proud state might as well be Alabama now. 😥

    In the Senate, Dems are just about, but not quite completely, cooked. Getting the slow roast.

  7. xty says:

    Live at Ottawa! I think people like playing Canadian venues. We are so harmless, yet partyable.

    I don’t know what to say about the elections except it is never as bad as it is portrayed, and things tend to lurch on the way they were lurching before. I do think part of what we are seeing is a drying up of money and people getting their’s while they can … that greedy selfish Ayn Rand asshat scooping up what they think they earned, both in politics and in banking. But I no longer think there is any sort of major collapse coming, I think we are going to see changes through technology that will bring immense savings through just-in-time delivery and 3d printing and getting away from burning fossil fuels and centrally controlled systems, and that those changes will lessen the impact of the slow destruction of the strange edifice built on banking that we are currently living under. And people are very creative and resilient.

    At least that’s my positive morning read on it all.

  8. Pete Maravich says:

  9. EO says:

    Or maybe…we just voted for a Deflationary Depression. Last night, Pottersville won and Bedford Falls lost (see It’s a Wonderful Life). There’s plenty of bacon in the Bunker of Doom though, so I guess it will be OK.

  10. EO says:

    A tale of health care woe in Mississippi. And today, more then ever, this looks like the road ahead for all of us.

    Amazing how in the beginning the push was from a republican governor, and a republican think tank, in an attempt to get poor people insured. And then it was sandbagged by idealogical conservatives at every step.

    Mississippi, Burned
    How the poorest, sickest state got left behind by Obamacare.

  11. xty says:

    I feel like John Stuart Mill, and Dickens and everyone else humane from the 19th century, but education is the only hope to lift people from poverty. That story from Mississippi is so depressing because the people are so easily manipulated. Nothing like ignorance to give the preacher oops politician sway. And the years of wasted effort scuppered through slimy politics. They think they are clever what’s even worse those politicians and preachers and smirk and feel disdain for the people they use.

  12. xty says:

    And now that you are thoroughly depressed, let me also bore you by reminding you that that song is referenced in the lyrics of this Paul Simon song, about his bodyguard, who can be his long lost pal, and he can call you al …

  13. xty says:

    That is actually an adorable video.

  14. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    interesting. i always wondered what those lyrics referred to.

    my wife and i watched Serpico last night. it was just a random pick – we are sick of the “hat tip” inflation on Netflix, so we chose to watch an older and well known film. (we had just given up on two 4.5 starred movies in a row.) Serpico was the first one found. anyway, it does show you how easily entire public departments and their regulatory bodies can be captured. there is really nothing modern about the corruption in the USA, not even the brazenness of it all.

  15. xty says:

    It was a good book too. I remember watching the movie with my dad.

  16. Dryocopus pileatus says:
  17. xty says:

    Sorry guys, but I did it again and am just pulling it together. Avoided the hospital but shaky and need a day or two.

  18. Dryocopus pileatus says:

  19. EO says:

    I reject the premise of the quiz. Most of the items they pimp as economic liberty items would inexorably lead to enslavement of the masses by the oligarchs. That’s liberty for the few, and none at all for everybody else. That’s not liberty. Liberty to starve, liberty to be forced into slavery, is not liberty.

    The quiz itself is set up by so-called libertarians, solely to push so-called libertarianism. It’s propaganda. I used to think these people were just misguided. Now I think it’s more likely than not they are just one of the many headed hydras of a well funded propaganda machine, with the short term aim of steering the masses to vote against their own best interest, and ultimately push a return to a feudalistic caste system.

    And…good morning and best wishes Xty.

  20. EO says:

    Sign me up!

  21. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    i agree. the survey is leading. it is a PR piece. it becomes clear if you read the comments after the survey. but the problem is that libertarian thinking has been hijacked by the political right in the USA. not all “libertarians” are heartless dog eat dog Ayn Rand whoring sociopaths. but you can certainly be forgiven for thinking that.

  22. xty says:

    Great article Pete. At the end when he mentions that two of the lawyers that represented JPM Chase now head the SEC, you can see the fix is fully in. The SEC’s job is to keep the banks afloat, no matter what.

    And yes, libertarianism has been captured by a hard right – as have so many things.

  23. Pete Maravich says:

  24. Pete Maravich says:

  25. Pete Maravich says:

  26. Pete Maravich says:

  27. Pete Maravich says:

  28. Pete Maravich says:

  29. Dryocopus pileatus says:
  30. Pete Maravich says:

  31. Pete Maravich says:

  32. Pete Maravich says:

    signed up w/ :mrgreen: thru the end of the year (just the medical stuff).., feels like quite an accomplishment just to survive it all. Love, Pete. :mrgreen:

  33. Pete Maravich says:

  34. Pete Maravich says:

  35. xty says:

    That is fabulous! Health Canada, who go out of their way to say the drug is the worst thing to happen to the world, possibly ever, also allow that it is the best pain killer out there, and will let terminal people have it. Isn’t that the stupidest thing? Antidepressants, opiates, ibuprofen, you name it, my doctor will prescribe it. But smoking is bad for you, and no, we will not make a medicine that actually has the “euphoria” side of a drug because apparently making you feel better is not their goal. They have made a useless painkiller called Cesamet or some such out of THC but they removed any effect as far as I could tell. I applaud the States that have stepped forward. British Columbia is going that way and we have a friend who now works in a dispensary. But that is a long ways from straight laced Ontario. Although a nod and a wink is current policy I believe on the small scale as the laws are somewhat hazy.

    Lovely tunes -DP – a hideous but beautiful painting – I like that you made him so colourful, the old bastard [if you will forgive me for saying so, but the picture says it all anyway]. Recovering but the details are disgusting. Luckily I am on the same plan as Pete.

    and Almost Good Morning. Deep thoughts and all will still have to wait a day for my brain to catch up with the past 48 hours.

  36. xty says:

    Listening to that Grateful Dead – I have never heard it – very jazzy, nice morning sound.

  37. xty says:

    Slowly working my way through – that video about Dark Side of the Moon (haven’t quite finished yet) is really interesting. I don’t think I knew that Syd Barrett went bonkers. And before the released Meddle, my favourite album by them and on my top five list (just guessing). David Gilmour looks fantastic.

  38. Pete Maravich says:

  39. EO says:

    I’m in. Black Earth Meats had a great thing going, bringing quality local meat from farm to table. But they were undone by one pissy complaining neighbor, and a village board that just didn’t care. Black Earth was where I got my first batch of leaf lard for home rendering. It’s looking bad right now. They’ve been hanging on by a fingernail, slaughtering elsewhere, closing one retail location, but if they don’t raise their kickstarter goal the bank will auction off their equipment and then it will be lights out altogether.

  40. EO says:

    Best place for ongoing information is on their facebook page. This is just really sad.

  41. EO says:

    And hey everybody, hang in there.

  42. Pete Maravich says:

  43. Pete Maravich says:

  44. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    here’s a similar story EO.

    and this – if your free speech is big enough to buy a campaign. lofl.

  45. Pete Maravich says:

  46. Pete Maravich says:

  47. Dryocopus pileatus says:

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