World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Twenty-Three

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106 Responses to World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Twenty-Three

  1. Pete Maravich says:

  2. Pete Maravich says:

  3. Pete Maravich says:

  4. Dude says:

    Pete- nice article. Oliver Stone needs to make this movie.

    Dp- nice mustache on that self-portrait.

    Xty- yeah, that was a real neat P. Simon vid. Hope you’re feelin’ bettah!

    EO- we’ll have to butcher our own hogs for leaf lard.

  5. Dude says:

    Can’t post this on Capture Wisconsin, taken in Illinois, so I’ll “bless” ya’all.

  6. xty says:

    Um, butchering your own hog? I think I better call PETA … We have an overly zealous health department here in Ontario that had a habit of shutting down church bazaars because the ladies had boiled the eggs for the egg salad at home. There is a bit of a black market in weird raw Quebec cheeses, where people buy shares in a cow, and get their proceeds in cheese that would be illegal to sell …

    A tangled web indeed, and my ravelled sleeve of care not up by sleep has been knitted!

    I guess Yoda never with a preposition a sentence ended.

    And Good Morning

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