Sorry for the endless test pattern …

I have been having a most interesting time, and seem to have hampered my neurons [but not to the point of not being able to spell neuron, strange spell checker who prefers neurone, ed.] terribly, with the kind assistance of Pfizer. My experience with Lyrica has been a life saving killer over the past oh so many years … hmmnn … but now two weeks have passed and it is a week since I last barfed … the worst seems to be over with the withdrawal but my brain feels like there is a storm inside it and I think my hippocampus is angry with me! I feel like an idiot in many ways, and will write up the whole experience once my brain cools. When you are sick and no one knows why a lot of weird stuff can happen.

But …

The cottage beckons for Easter, we have found a home for the boat here in Ottawa at the Nepean Sailing Club, on the hard as they say, and one way or another the sun is going to shine, at least metaphorically! We still have to go and actually get the boat but it is all beginning to gel …

I hope to be more myself next week as even my camera begins to tempt me … but the thought of leaving the house alone still gives me the willies so something must change first and I am giving myself the benefit of the doubt and not rushing anything.

Oh and rabbits, rabbits, rabbits! Happy April 1st!

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70 Responses to Sorry for the endless test pattern …

  1. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    if indeed it is a sin to eat meat on Good Friday, i fear i may be spending an eternity in hell…

  2. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    eat your heart out Fred Flintstone…

  3. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    freaking delicious! mastadon tastes even better than beef! i may have to reconsider my opposition to GMO’s.

  4. Pete Maravich says:

    ..hey Woodpecker, i’m pulling for Wisconsin big time…wanted to see Ganzaga in as well and i’m highly skeptical of the officials. (something ain’t right)

    hi Xty. :mrgreen:

    Some Branford while i process stuff.

  5. Pete Maravich says:

  6. Dryocopus pileatus says:
  7. EO says:

    So, you don’t think these guys are posting on ZH or TFMR? Lol.

    So, Mrs. O didn’t get that job. But she has a line on another one that she likes better. And she’s not unemployed (yet) so it’s not like the wolf is at the door.

    Bro is back to work, but his wife is driving him in every day, etc. It’s a heroic effort, I have to say.

    Sparty is stinking up the joint as we speak. The Big One comes later, when we show the kids how to play roundball…

  8. Pete Maravich says:

    YES!! Nice job Badgers.

  9. Pete Maravich says:

    Big and crazy moon tonight and it always seems to keep me awake.

    Bit of Van.

  10. Pete Maravich says:

  11. Pete Maravich says:

  12. EO says:

    I gotta feelin…a lot of the kids downtown are not going to bed anytime soon….

    Save your strength. We have another game on Monday night.

  13. xty says:

    An enormous moon indeed. Almost as large as DP’s steak. And Go Badgers Go! As good an excuse for insomnia as any!

    But allow me to drone on endlessly about myself:
    I have to say things are looking up and even the insomnia is getting much better, something that also turns out to be a very common side-effect of Lyrica. My brain is still stormy, though, almost literally. But the blurry vision and dancing eyeballs are also a common problem as is increased vertigo. And now I have abandoned the Nabilone as well, as of yesterday, and am feeling remarkably okay as I let everything settle. And imagine legal :mrgreen: ! I think my stressful world just got a whole lot easier … and in a very odd twist of fate, if the Lyrica hadn’t been making me feel so sick I would never have seen the gastroenterologist who ordered the sports protocol MRI that identified the ongoing injury in my right groin. I feel like an accidentally diagnosed person. I only stopped taking the Lyrica because the other pain killer was added to the regimen and it all seemed too much. And now an astonishing list of side-effects seem to be fading … and I really had no clue because of the way it all unfolded, right down to having had all my stuff stolen during the hernia operation when our car was broken into, including my Lyrica. So my intensely difficult recovery from that operation was compounded by weeks of Lyrica withdrawal, which I now recognize … chills, fever, sweats, anxiety, nausea and vomiting. All of which I complained of at my three week check up after the operation and everyone said not to worry it would just go away … and then I ended up back on Lyrica … and the side effects were slow and cumulative. How long do you have a runny nose for before you complain? Years, if you have other serious issues. A belly ache? Nausea. Vertigo. Aching legs and lower back. Just part of getting older. A sore tongue and mouth. Stutter. Loss of words and coherence. Anxiety. Trouble controlling your body temperature. I tell you, when you are a woman everyone just tells you it is your dang ovaries. But no, all common side-effects. I have been hospitalized at least once a year for years now due to severe gastric distress with low oxygen, etc. A stomach flu that no one else got. Food poisoning, but just me. And somehow this as a reaction to Lyrica just flew under the radar. But going off it quickly can cause epileptic seizures and I didn’t know that … and so for years have undoubtedly been mis-dosing for one as I always try not to take them … it turns out you need to keep a really steady dose in you … and then I was meant to slowly stop over weeks and instead went cold turkey. But it was a lucky confluence of events because the Nabilone is given for vomiting and nausea and surely eased what has been a nightmarish few weeks.

    But the brain is spinning less, but starting now … the screen is crazy … but now I know why and am very hopeful that I have come to a simple, organic, legal pain relief and can kiss the pharmaceuticals good-bye.

    So Happy Easter and may the bunny bring you a beautiful pagan treat. Ah, religion boiled down to Saturnalia featuring a fat guy in a red suit and pagan fertility rituals in the spring. Celebrations I can truly delight in.

    And there is syrup to be finished today and then sap to be started to boil and young bacqs to carry wood and buckets. But I don’t think the ice-breaker is going to make it. This was the satellite shot of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay yesterday:

  14. xty says:

    hey my picture vanished when I edited the post to repair :mrgreen: !

  15. xty says:

    Or not. Cottage internet. Oops.

  16. EO says:

    I feel like the world has come to a complete stop, not even rotating anymore, nobody in red even breathing, waiting for tip off of this game.

    Let’s Go Red!

    and happy for you xty for finding some relief!

  17. EO says:

    no joy in mudville…

  18. Pete Maravich says:

  19. Pete Maravich says:

    I planted one of those redbud trees in my front yard to replace a dead dogwood.
    Incredibly beautiful and brilliant colors and currently in bloom. They run natural and heavy just a little west of here..they prefer it a little cooler i think and these concrete and asphalt cities tend to choke stuff. And we (I) have awesome weather! My windows are open!

    :mrgreen: has brought some nice fogginess and i can’t remember what i was going to play.

    going: random/select.

  20. Pete Maravich says:

  21. Pete Maravich says:

  22. Pete Maravich says:

    one of those goofy love songs that i like, DelAmitri has some good stuff.

  23. Pete Maravich says:

  24. Pete Maravich says:

    big time too much overplay from me on this i’m sure…

    the juke is free.

  25. Pete Maravich says:

  26. Pete Maravich says:

  27. Pete Maravich says:

  28. xty says:

    Good morning! Things are much better … but I set the bar pretty low.

    I have never known what kind of tree this is on our front lawn but it sure looks a lot like your lovely redbud tree. It bears a weird little hard fruit in the fall, like a mini crab apple. It is finally meant to be warmer here today but the weather did work out well for our maple sapping. Litres of syrup and a very happy visit with the in-laws and my biggest baby, home for a week from the Rock.

  29. xty says:

    And now our internet is down and I am using my cell phone as a hotspot to let you know … all of you …


    But hope does spring eternal …

  30. xty says:

    It was just the power supply to the modem. A simple fix, but odd to diagnose. But hubby never believes anything and didn’t want to try the new modem so he only tried replacing the adapter and bob’s your uncle.

  31. xty says:

    I am not one to throw out the past, and this album still brings tears to my eyes … you have the world at your fingertips and no one can make it better than you:

  32. Dryocopus pileatus says:

  33. xty says:

    Amazing. They even have their own song.

    Well me silly saga continues but I am astonishingly drug free, pain about the same, missing a host of horrid side effects, and now embarrassing but true, starting some dental work that is undoubtedly also a side effect which my dentist absolutely did not diss as a theory. Au contraire. So now I have a sore jaw …

    I am caught up in a mental battle between being totally upset about how different the last few years could have been and how lucky I am to have figured it out … again. But such is life. And I am usually very short on regret but here I feel I have hurt people around me inadvertently and that really sucks.

    It is a beautiful day and I hope to get my head into the sunshine on a metaphorical level. It is amazing how nothing seems to happen when you don’t pay attention to it.

    Oh and a wee blast from the past: I did run Mr Fix’s perpetual er free motion machine that he put out on youtube past the engineer and yes, the fatal flaw is that he is a blithering idiot and the amount of energy needed to overcome the inertia is of course equal to or greater than that inertia and he essentially needs to restart the engine constantly. How can they really believe that there is a secret engine that anyone could build … it is odd to think that you are smarter than everyone else on the planet. And if he had build this thing in the seventies that gave him 70 miles to the gallon that was torched mysteriously in ten minutes, why didn’t he build another in the last 50 years? I let him off easy this March, what with being distracted by my paroxysms of vomiting, but this nonsense caught my eye and I thought I would just remind everyone to use their bean when it comes to science.

    And Good Morning.

  34. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    “I am caught up in a mental battle between being totally upset about how different the last few years could have been and how lucky I am to have figured it out … again.”

    yup. but don’t even kid yourself. you won’t live long enough to figure it all out. and we all say we would do things differently if we could go back. but then you would never find yourself in the position to evaluate those choices you did make, and consider the alternative(s). we all only get one shot at it, or so it seems.

    it is embarrassing isn’t it? all those authority figures at TFMR, the ones remaining anyway, all have been proven to be either nut jobs or frauds. what bothers me the most is that i ever cared about any of their opinions at all. it goes way beyond the horrid financial advice. emotionally that blog was even more damaging. i realize now that the internet can serve as an alternate reality for losers. it is a problem when you start giving a shit about what people you will never meet think.

    well, good morning all, and i hope you have a nice Sunday.

  35. xty says:

    Good Morning. And that’s all she wrote.

  36. Dryocopus pileatus says:

  37. xty says:

    Followed by:

  38. xty says:

    Off to Toronto for another chapter of Xty’s medical saga. But this doctor has been most helpful and has literally saved my life … I can’t begin to explain what having a swollen tongue, stutter, alzheimers, wicked leg and back cramps, anxiety and bouts of depression had done for my mood and life, but we can all assume it wasn’t pleasant. I am strangely back to square one, but with one fewer hernia and considerably less nerve pain, and access to much better and less harmful meds. And of course, on a couple of waiting lists, because this is Canada. But I think my head is pulling up out of the sand.

    I have of course been listening to podcasts, and while I find these two (and too?) young and cannot wholeheartedly endorse their methods, etc., I have been enjoying their investigations greatly and they have interesting fundamental backgrounds that give them a respect for those they investigate, up to a point.

    Welcome to Oh No, Ross and Carrie!, the show where we don’t just report on fringe science, spirituality, and claims of the paranormal, but take part ourselves. Follow us as we join religions, undergo alternative treatments, seek out the paranormal, and always find the humor in life’s biggest mysteries. We show up – so you don’t have to. Every month we share a new investigation, along with occasional bonus interviews and updates.

  39. EO says:

    April 15. Tax Day. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

    And now, a musical selection…

  40. Dryocopus pileatus says:

  41. xty says:

    So I started to cobble together a fabulous (not) new post and somehow the ethernet rejected it, probably all for the best as I started to rant about Hillary the kind vs Creationist hellfire Republicans and empty suit Canadians …

    But good morning nonetheless.

  42. Pete Maravich says:

    Confucius Say: ” If you’re not sure wether or not you just got baked, ..then you probably baked”

    Cleaning gutters, painting the exterior of my rundown hideaway, running from wolves and vultures.
    Preferable things and laziness might win the day.

  43. Pete Maravich says:

  44. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    i wrote a reply that turned into a meandering ramble about the futility of voting when the candidates are preselected years in advance. i discarded that mess myself. if only not voting had a better outcome than picking the best of the worst. that sums up (or not) my sentiments for this morning.

    but i already made buttermilk biscuits, then into eggs Benedict, and started a beef brisket smoking on the grill, before 8 AM . so i am going to have a nice day no matter what. i say bring it, all day.


    😆 😆 😆

  45. Pete Maravich says:

  46. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    unreal. we crossed in the mail. good morning 44!

  47. Pete Maravich says:

    yep, our timing has always been a little confusing. Hi Woodpecker!

    Life has been incredibly strange for quite some time now.
    …and i’m not currently blue (at this exact moment) and have just always loved these lyrics.
    Excellent find by you.

  48. Pete Maravich says:

  49. Dryocopus pileatus says:

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