World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Twenty

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18 Responses to World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Twenty

  1. xty says:

    Good morning

    A sad and happy morning. By tomorrow it should be Xty and Mouse back at Penetang, but tonight we go to remember my wonderful uncle. I have run out of them. But I thought I would put up his obituary. It was in the Globe and Mail, so it isn’t exactly confidential. It doesn’t capture the joy he found in life or how beautiful he found me, his only niece.

  2. Pete Maravich says:

  3. xty says:

    Made it and Good Morning

  4. xty says:

    That is a sweet song. I think I will make it the song of the day.

  5. EO says:

    I was grooving to this today.

  6. xty says:

    Good Morning

    Groovin’. Do you think we might be of an age?

    I was going to sit around and write up a word of the day, but instead I am going to have to be useful to my elderly in-laws, and take over the role of chauffeur (thankfully) from father-in-law to shepherd mother-in-law to brother-in-law who will perform the ultimate delivery of his mum to Toronto. Have I mentioned that they are hard to keep up with?

    I said I had come to be helpful, but I didn’t expect it to be quite so immediate. But last night following instructions from afar while my m-i-l packed up the art for her speech I baked in parchment paper a piece of halibut with vodka and red peppers, butter, pepper and salt. I can’t believe she let me prepare the fish – that’s how busy they are. And then later I sat with her for a quick run through of her powerpoint presentation about pioneer women, quilting patterns and her own art work derived from it all.

    And that was day one.

  7. xty says:

    Everyone is still alive. At least there’s that!

  8. Pete Maravich says:

  9. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    ❤ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫ 🙂

  10. Dryocopus pileatus says:

  11. EO says:

    Wow, a lot of ups and downs across a range of markets as of late. I continue to find that you can tune out a ton of noise if, a few times a month, you just glance at a long term chart with a longish (say, 200 day) moving average on it. It’s not that hard to stay in gear with the tape. The daily angst is for suckers.

    As of this moment, stocks and bonds remain in an uptrend. Gold, silver, and miners remain in the weeds. Here’s a 2 year stock chart. I happen to like this one because we are coming up on the 2 year anniversary of when I dumped all miners and all cash and sunk nearly my entire net worth into the stock market. Are we topping now? Should I be nervous? The answers are “maybe” and “no” respectively. If we lose the 200 day, I get out. It will have been a big, life changing win. And then we paddle around looking for the next wave, wherever it may be. That’s the way it works.

    Ignore the “fundamentals”, ignore the “news”, ignore the “chatter”, and don’t fight the tape. “Fundamentals” and “news” and “chatter” are purposely in quotes because they are all a mirage, a siren song, and entirely at the mercy of a variety of filters, not the least of which is our own innate biases. One guy’s “fundamentals” can be 180 degrees apart from another guy’s “fundamentals”. The only protection is to ignore it all and just watch the charts.

  12. EO says:

    and…good morning!

  13. EO says:

    Feeling a little slow this morning. I always find this one to be a good “waker upper”. 😉

  14. xty says:

    Good morning. Slow around here too and I forgot to check the internet while I was feeding the f-i-l. It is blowing and raining like billy-o around here but the sun was out this morning. Going to post a few pictures in a mo. I had noticed gold bouncing back up, and everything in moderation is more my strategy even if it makes for a sea anchor. All in the stock market does not allow me to sleep, and that counts too. But I agree about 200 day moving averages and not fighting the tape. The bank was rather eager to lend us a lot of money for a long time at a low interest rate and that makes me quite confident that the zero interest rate policy is hanging in there. No hint of a rise that can be felt.

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