World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Three

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21 Responses to World’s Worst Novel: Chapter Three

  1. xty says:

    Once again, the links appear as a different colour on the two different pages. I have double checked that they are the same in my pdf – it is a mystery I have yet to solve, and I wish they were all that lovely shade of purple. But they aren’t.

    Good morning, nonetheless.

  2. Pete Maravich says:

    I keep getting a note saying that i’ve reached my bandwidth limit, and the text is gone, sometimes it re-loads when i refresh, sometimes not ❓

  3. Pete Maravich says:

    looks like it has to do with google docs., so maybe just on my end, no worries.

  4. xty says:

    No, I think Google docs is what is screwing up the links. I am going to search for a better reader.

    I just got a lovely basket of flowering plants from my kids … and I have to say it really made me happy.

  5. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    i get the same warning as Pete.

    i found a typo above Xty – “straitened”. unless you meant this…

    verb: straiten; 3rd person present: straitens; past tense: straitened; past participle: straitened; gerund or present participle: straitening

    make or become narrow.
    “the passage was straitened by tables”

    Happy Mom’s day, and Mum’s day as well.

  6. Dude Stacker says:

    HMD Xty. Maybe a lurking family member can take a hint and make this for you next year.

  7. xty says:

    Green eggs and ham!

    I have re-posted the novel above, using a different document viewer. All the links are the same colour now, but the cursor doesn’t change when you hover. And I cannot change the display parameters to make it a bit longer, which would look better. But see if it displays better for you. There are a few more options, and I think I should be trying to make a flip book. Much to learn.

  8. xty says:

    There, you have straightened me out! But it isn’t fair to have words like that which both exist and mean almost similar things. And it takes a moment to get the right links to the right files once I start making changes.

  9. EO says:

    Just got done acting as “technical advisor”, while our daughter endeavoured to make strawberry crepes for Mom, for Mother’s Day. All went well, and Momma is happy. And when Momma’s happy, everybody is happy. 😉

  10. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    i believe that Dan Farley is an alias. heck, he may not even be a man. i’ve narrowed it down to these 6, every one of them having shady backgrounds, as the most likely real Farleys. of these candidates, the preponderance of the evidence so far points to Mr. Green. :mrgreen:

  11. DN says:

    So far i’ve got Angie having left her chum (loved that one DP) and now on land sitting with skinny pete in a cove bar.
    Then Dan here is trying to make a real estate deal in Exumas (somewhere in Utah?)

    “The bank was willing to finance the
    deal, and were looking for someone to purchase the property,
    having financed the current owners.” (were looking?)

    Dan, what a tool. (bet he was really checking out Val’s area for husband/boyfriend/kid pics or any other good Val intel)

  12. Pete Maravich says:

  13. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    getting back to the novel.

  14. Pete Maravich says:

    Woodpecker, i think you are on to something with the Mr Green theory, and he looks like he needs some :mrgreen: I also suspect that skinny pete and :mrgreen: have a history 😕

  15. Pete Maravich says:

  16. Dryocopus pileatus says:

  17. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    check this out. 1974. plus it’s in color.

  18. Dryocopus pileatus says:

  19. Pete Maravich says:

  20. Dude Stacker says:

    Pete- did you know old Clyde’s on Medicare? Yup, he turned 65 a couple of months before I did. He was on the road before me though. I didn’t hit 101 ’til ’76.

  21. Pete Maravich says:

    Dude, I didn’t know that was his first name, and had to do a search. I think i must relate to the constant introspection contained in his lyrics. thanks, and good morning.

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