I once [I try to spell once waunce and it is beginning to bother me] thought of a word game

in which you would trade back and forth completely contradictory aphorisms. Like “time waits for no man” would be fought with “haste makes waste”. [Haste Makes Waist is a slogan I thought of long ago when our country came up with the nauseating term “Participaction”, which really made you feel like you lived in a Soviet re-education camp, but would be great for a campaign against fast food. I should sell it to the King of New “no large sodas, but make mine a double” York.]

Look before you leap: he who hesitates is lost: better safe than sorry. An apple a day keeps the doctor away: mind over matter. A stitch in time saves nine. Hmnnn … how about forgiveness is easier than permission? That seems a slippery slope. I may have gone on about this before I realise as I was about to type “the early bird gets the worm: the second mouse gets the cheese,” [apparently it didn’t stop you, ed.] but coming around to my actual point, it does seem true that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. But does this metaphorize into real life? It depends … literally, yes. But in real life vinegar attracts humans much more than honey it seems when it comes to where they choose to spend that most precious of commodities, their attention.

Sorry to interrupt myself again, it is just that kind of a morning, but this reminded me of an interesting old econtalk podcast:

Esther Dyson talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the market for attention and how technology has changed, how much we pay attention to others, and vice versa. Along the way Dyson reminisces about Steve Jobs, the nature of the start-up and venture capital world, and the future of space travel.

Esther Dyson on the Attention Economy and the Quantification of Everything

I stopped getting a newspaper delivered to the house when our children were fairly young because it seemed to imply that the world was a horrible place. I had to remind them that the millions of dads who came home from work weren’t news, but the one who didn’t was. The odds are generally in your favour, but the newspaper fills one with dread. Television news is worse, where they want to bring the disaster straight into your living room, intestines if possible.

I am not proposing that it is correct to completely disengage, though the temptation is strong. But recognizing once again that ever present circle of concern that eats up your circle of influence if allowed free rein, turning to honey rather than vinegar attention-wise does seem more empowering. But maybe that’s the yoga talking! It is certainly my cup of tea talking … and that’s more my cup of tea, which I will take with a large dollop of honey.

So excuse the saccharine prose, but I have had honey and vinegar and flies on the brain, and they made a strange brew. So remember to make hay while the sun shines but that man cannot live on bread alone … it is better when you remember which side it is buttered on, and toast it, and then add a little honey …

Have a sweet and eclectic Saturday,

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22 Responses to I once [I try to spell once waunce and it is beginning to bother me] thought of a word game

  1. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    and there is even a flip side to that. the honey can only make things worse.


  2. Pete Maravich says:

    daig, I thought the football games started @1:00 today. Marley till 4:00 then. :mrgreen:

  3. Pete Maravich says:

  4. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    total heat wave. at high of the day now, 21 F. and refound a bottle of coconut flavored rum.

    so i just had to go back to the island.

  5. Dryocopus pileatus says:
  6. xty says:

    Good morning … I gather the Pack did go? And the cheeseheads are happy?

  7. xty says:

    And OMG, we seem to have purchased a boat. I will cobble together the strange details and fill you all in, once I get it all together.

  8. Pete Maravich says:

  9. Pete Maravich says:

    this song always makes me think of you EO,..not sure why…brain cells all fused together somehow.
    in a happy way.

    hi all.

    should I just bake some more and watch the incredibly super hyped college final?
    blow off the shower and other nagging crap until the morning? I can already feel it happening.

    gotta love that free wisdom.

  10. Pete Maravich says:

  11. Pete Maravich says:

    massive amounts of rain here but the temps are tolerable.

    Dylan again and as always, I like the lyrics. there once was a really good and long version of this available…then off to the nether.

  12. Pete Maravich says:

  13. Pete Maravich says:

  14. Dryocopus pileatus says:

    advanced level Inukshuk stacking…


  15. Pete Maravich says:

  16. Pete Maravich says:

    nothing implied. explains me as well as anything.

    and hi Woodpecker.

  17. Pete Maravich says:

    very strange video. you guys (gal) might like.

    night all.


  18. Pete Maravich says:

  19. xty says:

    Good morning

    Wow to the gravity glue fellow – what an interesting story and person. He must have the calmest hands on the planet.

    And that rolling stone video is very strange …

    As to rain – ha! it is -23 or something hideous outside. I just had a tiny fire in the fireplace because stepping outside seemed foolish.

  20. Dude says:

    I don’t think the vid is strange at all. I quite like it. When it came out, I was in 11th grade and everyone sang it everywhere. I was a 2nd stringer on our football team and I and another guy would be bored at not playing, so we sang it on the bench at games.
    There was another guy who would get upset every time he heard the part about pawning a diamond ring, as it reminded him that his parents were getting divorced.
    To this very day, I will occasionally bust out a few lines out of nowhere for my kids.

    (Just to burnish my image a bit- I was a starter in 12th grade. Yeah, 160lb nose tackle from a class of 95 of which 5 girls got knocked up and were not allowed to remain in school. Tsk tsk.

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